Our Roots
Established in 1983, Lone Pine Realty specializes in marketing mountain real estate in the northern Colorado Rockies, including Red Feather Lakes, Crystal Lakes, Glacier View Meadows and the mountain areas of Larimer County, Colorado. We offer a wide array of Colorado mountain homes, cabins, building sites, camp sites and acreages suitable for year round mountain living or quiet mountain retreats.
Our office is conveniently located in the heart of Red Feather Lakes Village, one of northern Colorado’s most beautiful mountain communities, and is open daily.
Our Services
Brokerage Services
Real estate brokerage services for mountain homes, vacation retreats, building and camping sites, and large acreages.
* Help buying or selling
*Full time local staff
* Multiple Listing Service
*Quality packets & brochures
*Eye catching signage
*Easy-to-find online listings
*Dynamic marketing strategy
Market Analysis
Free property valuation and market analysis assistance. Find out how much your cabin or lot is worth!
* Comparative Market Analysis
* Tax Valuation Protest assistance
* Estate Valuation assistance
* Dissolution Valuation assistance
Public Services
Search our list of service providers who serve the Red Feather Lakes and surrounding area.
Notary Public available every day. See our hours at the bottom of the page.
No charge for clients, nominal charge for public
Our Expertise

Our Goals
Provide broad marketing by experienced professionals with local knowledge about all aspects of mountain property ownership.
Serve the Red Feather Lakes area residential and light commercial real estate needs in Crystal Lakes, Red Feather Lakes Village, Glacier View Meadows developments and surrounding areas.
Provide a high level of customer service by educating Buyers about the realities of owning and maintaining mountain property compared to other locations and by helping Sellers understand the challenges of timely transfer of the stewardship of mountain property to others.
Our experienced staff offers extensive local knowledge of all aspects of mountain living combined with worldwide marketing of our mountain properties. We look forward to assisting you in any way we can. We are committed to providing the highest level of professional real estate service to our clients and customers alike.
Our services include
* Help buying or selling
* Full time local staff
* Multiple Listing Service
* High quality website and brochures
* Eye catching signage
* Dynamic marketing strategy
* Annual assessor valuation assistance
* Comparative market analysis
Unique Environment
Our affordably priced, easily accessible mountain properties located in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains provide opportunities to enjoy magnificent snow-capped mountain views, abundant wildlife, trout fishing in pristine mountain lakes and streams, hiking, horseback riding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and mountain biking on miles of beautiful trails in nearby Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest or quiet relaxation in the midst of the stunning natural beauty of this unique mountain environment.

Our experienced staff offers extensive local knowledge of all aspects of mountain living combined with worldwide marketing of our mountain properties. We look forward to assisting you in any way we can. We are committed to providing the highest level of professional real estate service to our clients and customers alike.
Our services include
* Help buying or selling
*Maintaining website listings
*Full time local staff
* Multiple Listing Service
*High quality packets and brochures
*Eye catching signage
*Dynamic marketing strategy
*Annual assessor valuation assistance
* Comparative market analysis
Unique Environment
Our affordably priced, easily accessible mountain properties located in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains provide opportunities to enjoy magnificent snow-capped mountain views, abundant wildlife, trout fishing in pristine mountain lakes and streams, hiking, horseback riding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and mountain biking on miles of beautiful trails in nearby Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest or quiet relaxation in the midst of the stunning natural beauty of this unique mountain environment.
Our Goals
Provide world-wide marketing by experienced professionals with local knowledge about all aspects of mountain property ownership.
Serve the Red Feather Lakes area residential and light commercial real estate needs in Crystal Lakes, Red Feather Lakes Village, Glacier View Meadows developments and surrounding areas.
Provide a high level of customer service by educating Buyers about the realities of owning and maintaining mountain property compared to other locations and by helping Sellers understand the challenges of timely transfer of the stewardship of mountain property to others.